Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friends Forever...

"You should have atleast sum1,

  • Who call ur name with weird pronouncing,
  • Who teases u by a gal /boy u hate,
  • Who make stupid noises wen u r talking 2 ur parents on phone,
  • Who ll do anythng 2 get a party from u,
  • Who wishes u a happy b-day on ur ex gf/bf b-day,
  • Who argue wid u ovr nothing that u do wrong,
  • Who call ur multimedia phone,a china product loudly in public,
  • Who wont let u walk home alone,
  • Who ll think ur tiffin,fridge,n wallet his/her own,
  • Who smiles n make u smle though he/she is upset,
  • Who u know, ll b there4 u when u need him/her,

Only he/she can do these things in ur life..."

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