Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Indian Govt. Invest Rs. 70,000 Crs in CWG ?

I think Indian Govt. is fooling poor in this country.
Bcuz presently in India more poor people are living 
under salary Rs. 3,000 per month with no other facilities. 
Why not invest this Rs. 70,000 Crs project in given 
some facilities to poor people in India. 
like free hospitals, pension, donation, Loans, Jobs etc

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fight Drunk Driving

The Century Council is a leader in the fight against drunk driving.

Since The Century Council's inception, we have supported a broad range of policy initiatives including Administrative License Revocation (ALR), Zero Tolerance, bans on open containers, longer look-back periods, stiffer penalties for test refusal and .08 BAC as part of a comprehensive plan to fight drunk driving. Learn more about our public policy initiatives. In the late 1990s, we spearheaded the effort to deal with a group of DUI offenders who were disproportionately responsible for alcohol-related traffic fatalities. We convened a national panel of safety experts to examine what became known as the hardcore drunk driver and to create the Hardcore Drunk Driving Sourcebook (PDF) which includes promising strategies, laws and programs that have shown to be effective in dealing with the hardcore drunk driver. The data were clear then, as now, that high BAC and repeat offenders make up a disproportionate share of drunk drivers. In 2008, seven out of ten drivers involved in an alcohol-impaired fatal crash had a BAC of .15 or above and these drivers were nine times more likely than a non-drinking driver to have a prior conviction for DWI. We promote blood alcohol education, judicial and prosecutorial education, and a coalition of safety organizations that promote state and federal legislation that targets hardcore drunk driving offenders.

Stop Underage Drinking

Since The Century Council's inception, we have been dedicated to developing innovative strategies and providing resources to assist parents, educators, counselors, and other practitioners in their conversations with youth on how to make responsible decisions regarding beverage alcohol and the dangers of underage drinking.
We are a leader in the use of technology applied to alcohol education. Ourinteractive programs, websites, social networking, text-messaging campaigns and other efforts are examples of our continuous commitment to finding new ways to communicate our message.
Our drunk driving and underage drinking educational resources are distributed to individuals, schools, state and local government agencies, community-based organizations, and other organizations nationwide.
The Century Council fully supports the minimum drinking age law and has worked across the nation to restrict access to alcohol for those under the age of 21. We support laws that prohibit possession, consumption, purchase and attempts to purchase alcohol among people under the minimum drinking age. We also support penalties for fake IDs and laws that punish adults who illegally provide alcohol to underage persons. We strongly support enforcement ofunderage drinking laws.